Thursday, September 30, 2010

Phish Alpine Valley East Troy, Wisconsin August 14 & 15 2010

      I love Alpine valley. I always have so much fun when I attend shows there. Even though the lawn holds 20000+ people and is so steep that when dancing you feel like you could fall and start a domino effect with everyone in front of you. Still, the grass feels great under your feet, the sound is really good considering the size of this venue. The pavilion, because of the size of the venue, never really feels over crowded like some other venues tend to feel. Well enough of this onto the shows......

      Fantastic first set with well played versions of all songs. Only one new song all night and it was a well received Alaska. Page's soloing sound great during Suzy and Funky Bitch, I love how is is mixing up his sounds, especially during Suzy. Reba is always nice and they delivered the goods tonight.  A near perfect playing of the composed section and nice soloing from Trey during the soaring section that follows. Fuck Your Face makes a second showing this summer and just like before it seems like most of the crowd has no idea what they are hearing. Back one the Train really gets the crowd rolling along just like a freight train. Absolutely love the Gumbo>Antelope pairing. This Antelope really soars and maybe my favorite version since their return. Seemed like this was the never ending set!

      When the Sloth opens up a set you know you are in for a treat and tonight we were. All the complaints I remember hearing where the band is not jamming enough, not stretching out the tunes enough. Well not tonight, after the Sloth opener a 17 minute Down with Disease flows right into a haunting version of Whats the Use. Scent of a Mule gets the audience dancing along only to break into a frenzy when Mike's Song starts up. While not the longest version this one starts going to the places we know it can. Next comes a well placed Dirt, good place for a breather. The Sneak-a-Paug that follows has everyone up on there feet and excited to see the strides this band is making. Bug is the closer and the mighty Quinn sending us into the cool Wisconsin night is like seeing an old friend for the first time in ages.

      I'm not going to review the second night, I will leave that up to others but in my opinion these are the two best shows they have played since returning as a band and maybe since 2000. They are playing their songs with a renewed energy, limiting mistakes and the jams are really starting to go places. Listen for yourself if you haven't already, and once again just enjoy!


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