Sunday, May 1, 2011

moe. April 9th 2009

One more show to share since it's been a while since I've done anything. The really special part of this show is the new song Silver Sun and wow what a version it is. Anyways have fun and turn it up. Thanks, Joey.

moe.2009-04-09 Fillmore, Charlotte, NC

Set 1:

01.  Intro
02.  Paper Dragon >
03.  (nh) Sticks & Stones
04.  Wind It Up >
05.  (nh) The Ghost Of Ralph's Mom >
06.  (nh) Stranger Than Fiction >
07.  Big World >
08.  (nh) Billy Goat

Set 2:

01.  Intro
02.  Nebraska >
03.  Silver Sun >
04.  32 Things
05.  One Life >
06.  (nh) Buster >
07.  Kids

08.  Queen Of The Rodeo
09.  Queen Of Everything

ok, so I lied now I'm back and here is a working link to the Highlights I promised

Now this will not fit onto 1 disc even burned as data so....just click the link and download the folder or individual files....Phish 3.0 Highlights 2009-2010

Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm back and here ya go...Phish 3.0 2009-2010 Highlights, IMO.....

So it's been a while since I have posted so today I am going to treat you to some of my favorite moments of Phish since they returned to playing live shows. I have put together a diverse selection of covers and originals spanning 2009 and 2010. These will all fit onto one disc burned as mp3's. Well hopefully you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed putting it together. Please share and if you like what I'm doing invite others. Also, let me know what you think. Take care and keep on jammin'!

Phish 3.0 Highlights 2009-2010